Happy 2015!!
Do you make 'New Year's Resolutions'? Have you given up on the idea years ago?
We certainly don't need to add any more stress to our lives, but giving thought to the year ahead as being filled with 365 clean pages and how we wish to fill those pages is surely worth our while.
If you are desiring to grow closer to the Lord and increase your knowledge and understanding of the Bible this year, here are a few ideas to help with that endeavor:
* First, seek the Lord. Ask Him what He would have you work on.
* Reading through the whole Bible in a year. Biblestudytools.com offers many reading plans that you can have sent to your inbox, or print off and tuck inside your Bible. Go from cover to cover, or read it chronologically. Choose the translation that is comfortable for you.
* Daily Bible Reading. Maybe your goal isn't to get through the whole Bible in a year, but to be in the Bible each day, going a little deeper, letting each verse speak to your heart. Choose a book of the Bible to read through at your own pace. If you're a newer believer, I'd suggest the book of John. As a more mature believer, it's always great to go through the book of Proverbs to seek the Lord's wisdom. Again, pray, and seek God's guidance. Another option would be to use a daily devotional such as 'Our Daily Bread' or 'Secret Place', both of which can be found at the rear of the Sanctuary.
* Scripture memorization. Let's do as David did and 'hide God's word in our heart' (Psalm 119:11). You could memorize one verse a month, or one a week; this is an individual choice. If God is leading you to do this, but you're not sure where to start, you could go to this page from The Navigators. Here you will find verses grouped by topic.
* Join a Bible study and/or Sunday School. FBC offers Sunday School for preschoolers up through adults of all ages throughout the school year at 9:30am. There are also a few Bible studies held during the week; call the church for details. Or, is the Lord calling your to lead/host a Bible study? Talk to one of our Deacons if you need some help.
*Attending church more regularly. It's so easy to get out of the habit of going to church each week, isn't it? You're sick one week, away another... The Bible tells us, "Let us not give up meeting together,..." in Hebrews 10:25. Please come and worship and fellowship with us each week at either the 9:30am or 11:00am service.
Whatever steps you choose, we pray that 2015 will see all believers taking steps to increase their understanding of God's Word and strengthen their relationship with our wonderful Savior, Jesus!